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Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, disponibile una nuova patch

15 Lug 2017 | News, PC, PlayStation 4, Videogiochi, Xbox One

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Nelle scorse ore Infinity Ward ha pubblicato una nuova patch dedicata a Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare.

Quest’ultima apporterà alcune modifiche come la rimozione del Kill Trading dai match pubblici, oltre ai soliti bugfix e le migliorie per le modalità competitive.

Vi ricordiamo che Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare è disponibile su PlayStation 4, Xbox One e PC.

Ecco le note della patch:

General Fixes and What’s New

  • Genesis is now back in rotation
  • CTF has been removed and Epic Gun Game has been added (thru July 21st)
  • Weapons
    • Hailstorm – Ordinance: Akimbo rate of fire has been reduced to match the rate of other pistols
    • M.2187: Fixed issues with some challenges not working as intended
    • M.2187: Adjusted the Smart Show attachment from 8 to 5 pellets (does not change the effectiveness of the attachment)
  • Players were able to join the Competitive playlist using FTL Payloads and Traits (Phase Shift, Perception, and Super Charge), which are now restricted to match the CWL ruleset
  • Uplink: Fix for an issue where the drone could fall between the hay stacks outside of the barn and force a time out on Throwback
  • Added the Proteus, Trek-50, and M.2187 to Gun Game and Epic Gun Game
  • Fix for players being able to use the secondary modes on hybrid weapons like the Type-2, RPR Evo, and the EBR-800 in the Competitive playlist
  • Various map fixes

Attack of the Radioactive Thing

  • Pack-a-Punch Axe now track progress correctly for bounties
  • Traps now correctly track progress for bounties
  • Charges fuses can now be turned in while holding an upgraded weapon
  • Various weapon bug fixes (Proteus, Volk)
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Alessandro Reppucci

Senior Editor e responsabile YouTube di Serial Gamer, da sempre innamorato follemente dei videogames, dai 5/6 anni in poi ha macinato giochi su giochi di ogni genere.

Alessandro Reppucci

Senior Editor e responsabile YouTube di Serial Gamer, da sempre innamorato follemente dei videogames, dai 5/6 anni in poi ha macinato giochi su giochi di ogni genere.

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