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Terraria: pubblicata la patch 1.3.5

20 Apr 2017 | News, Nintendo 3DS, PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Videogiochi, Xbox 360, Xbox One

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Nelle scorse ore la casa di sviluppo Re-Logic ha rilasciato un nuovo aggiornamento per Terraria.

Da quello che si può notare nelle note dell’update, sono state aggiunte alcune traduzioni più professionali, implementato il supporto al 4K, nuovi oggetti e molto altro.

V7oSL1l Serial Gamer

Potete trovare le note della patch 1.3.5 qui di seguito:


  • Added professional localization for the following languages:
  • German
  • Italian
  • French
  • Spanish
  • Russian (new)
  • Simplified Chinese (new)
  • Brazilian Portuguese (new)
  • Polish (new)
  • Greatly improved rendering and overall gameplay on resolutions larger than 1080p
  • Added Zoom and UI scale sliders in the in-game settings menu
  • Added most of the main menu’s settings to the in-game settings menu
  • Dungeons in newly generated worlds now contain new furniture
  • Added a crystal furniture set, and expanded other furniture sets
  • Added Arkhalis’s and Leinfors’ developer armor sets
  • NPCs who are manually assigned to a room will attempt to return to it when they respawn after being slain
  • Improved stability on Mac OS X and Linux
  • Improved visuals on many different things
  • Improved Retro lighting consistency


  • Fixed settings button overlaying the armor icon
  • Fixed inconsistent naming for Sand Poacher and Granite Golem banners
  • Fixed banner buff list extending beyond screen limits
  • Fixed hand drawing over backhand glove and shield accessories for female characters
  • Fixed Sparky painting and several other rare paintings not naturally spawning properly
  • Fixed a certain multiplayer crash
  • Fixed sign mouseover text staying on cursor permanently when in Options and Camera menus
  • Fixed a world generation crash on Linux
  • Fixed a number of minor grammar issues in NPC dialog
  • Fixed a certain exploit
  • Fixed trapped Granite and Meteorite Chests dropping the wrong item upon breaking
  • Fixed Vortex Monolith not selling for as much as it should
  • Fixed crash when linking items with invalid prefix ids in chat
  • Fixed Pumpkin Shirt and Robot Shirt causing leg skin to disappear when equipped
  • Fixed Defender’s Forge closing instantly if opened from below
  • Fixed Terraria thinking it has focus when it did not have focus
  • Fixed Grand Design and Multicolor Wrench emitting light on use
  • Fixed auto-creating a world from the server causing it to always use the same seed
  • Fixed Platinum Candelabra not sitting properly on other objects
  • Fixed Goblin Tinkerer being slightly smaller than intended
  • Fixed petrification death messages being broken for a long while now
  • Fixed Wall Creeper dropping gore when blood and gore are off
  • Fixed Xeno Staff’s selling price, now consistent with the rest of Martian loot
  • Fixed crash when mousing over chests and dressers in the map view
  • Fixed settings button colliding with 6th accessory dye slot
  • Fixed Corrupt Thorns almost never generating
  • Fixed multiple issues with platform/block interaction
  • Fixed pillars of dirt appearing above the Underground Desert sometimes
  • Potentially fixed an issue where Marathon Medalist would cause FPS drops.
  • Platforms from and above now emit particles when destroyed
  • Virtual Keyboard should no longer appear unless a Gamepad is being used
  • Using Quick Heal to consume restoration potions now properly inflicts mana sickness
  • Defender’s Forge now has highlight outlines


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Alessandro Reppucci

Senior Editor e responsabile YouTube di Serial Gamer, da sempre innamorato follemente dei videogames, dai 5/6 anni in poi ha macinato giochi su giochi di ogni genere.

Alessandro Reppucci

Senior Editor e responsabile YouTube di Serial Gamer, da sempre innamorato follemente dei videogames, dai 5/6 anni in poi ha macinato giochi su giochi di ogni genere.

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