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Heavy Metal Machines: pubblicate le note del prossimo aggiornamento

18 Apr 2017 | News, PC

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Nelle ultime ore Hoplon ha rilasciato le note del prossimo aggiornamento per Heavy Metal Machines.

Il nuovo update apporterà alcuni miglioramenti all’interfaccia utente, diverse correzioni nella localizzazione e varie migliorie delle prestazione, inoltre gli sviluppatori hanno annunciato che nei prossimi giorni verrà pubblicato un video per informare i giocatori sui progetti futuri.

Heavy Machines Metal è attualmente disponibile su PC via Steam come titolo free-to-play.

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Ecco le note della patch 0.261:

New Shiny Things:

  • Made some minor improvements to the game Interface – some items should be more visible.
  • Fixed some display problems regarding languages and some localization errors.
  • Fixed an error that was preventing some people from buying items in the game store.

Performance Improvements:

  • This HMM update is a little different from what we are used to: We decided to focus on the optimization of the game performance, made several changes and code improvements that considerably reduced the RAM memory usage of the game, it now uses 15% to 40% less memory. With that, we’ve noted the following improvements:
    • Loading before the Main Menu 20% faster on average.
    • Loading of Matches 21% faster on average.
    • Loading after the Match 57% faster on average.
  • On computers closer to the Minimum requirements, it represents an even bigger improvement:
    • General reduction of loading times from 50% to 60%, including matches.
  • With that, several crash issues regarding loading times should be fixed, the game itself should be more fluid and HMM should stop responding much less frequently during the match loading screen – one thing to test is not to click anxiously with the mouse on the loading screen (We know it’s hard)

Known Bug:

  • We’re aware of a bug that can cause a player to, randomly, not gain FAME when leveling up after a match. We know how frustrating the experience is when this happens and are working hard to fix this particular issue, however, it wasn’t possible to do so in this update. We will keep working on this issue so we can resolve it as soon as possible – and as soon as we do, we will give everyone who missed a Fame gain everything that they are due. Please rest assured that you will receive all the Fame that you deserve directly in your accounts when we fix this, and no action on your part will be required so that happens.


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Alessandro Reppucci

Senior Editor e responsabile YouTube di Serial Gamer, da sempre innamorato follemente dei videogames, dai 5/6 anni in poi ha macinato giochi su giochi di ogni genere.

Alessandro Reppucci

Senior Editor e responsabile YouTube di Serial Gamer, da sempre innamorato follemente dei videogames, dai 5/6 anni in poi ha macinato giochi su giochi di ogni genere.

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